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Acupressure Points For Sleepiness

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The Yin Tang acupressurepoints and the Urinary Bladder ten acupressurepoints are effective in reducing sleepiness. These aren't all the points. They can be used to treat digestive problems, dry throats, irregular menstruation or epilepsy as well as other conditions, such as sleepiness. This article will discuss acupressure points to help you sleep better and how to best use them.

Yin Tang acupressure point

The Yin Tang, located between the eyebrows and the forehead, is one of the most effective acupressure points to help with insomnia. This point is very useful for those suffering from insomnia or migraines. The pressure applied to this point is believed to induce sleep and reduce tension. It is not recommended for pregnant women. Instead, you should consult a licensed acupuncturist before you use it.

If you can find this point, it's not difficult to massage. Just pinch it using your thumb and middle finger. You can then gently massage the skin in a circular motion. In five minutes you will notice a difference in your sleep. It's a good way to relax before bed. You can also use it to treat depression, headaches, and heart disease.

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Urinary Bladder10 Acupressure Point

The Urinary Bladder10 may help with sleepiness. The meridian can be found on the back of your neck, approximately one-half inches from the base the skull. Acupressure points can help with stress and insomnia. It can also be used to relieve back pain and skin conditions. Place your fingers on the muscles at the back of the neck to stimulate this point. Continue to press down on the point until it becomes warm.

H7, located between the first and the second toes of the inner wrist is another useful acupressure point. H7 is an effective acupressure point for anxiety, high blood pressure and chest pain. It has been used for centuries for its positive effects on the body and reduces symptoms related to stress. Acupressure at this point can help you sleep better and wake up refreshed.

Acupressure point LV3

Applying pressure to LV3 acupressure point may help with sleepiness or improve alertness. It should be done no more than 15 minutes before bed. Although most people feel sleepy from time to time it can be severe and last several weeks if not treated. In case of chronic sleepiness, it is best to seek medical help. Acupressure may be an option if you are not sure what is causing your sleeplessness.

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It is recommended that you apply pressure to LV3 acupressure for at most 30 seconds. You can get better results by pressing the point for several minutes with moderate pressure. You should take deep, slow inhalations before and after applying pressure to get maximum effect. If it causes discomfort or pain, you should not massage the acupressure points. You may also find other acupressure points that will help you relax and go to sleep.

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How do I start survival prepping?

Start with an emergency kit. A basic kit for food, water, shelter, and medical supplies. Next, add items that can help you remain safe and secure.

You may also want to add a solar-powered flashlight, radio, compass or whistle as well as a map, compass, whistle, whistle, and compass. Fishing equipment is a good option if you live near streams, rivers, and lakes.

A bug-out bag (BOO) is another great way to prepare for emergencies. This is a backpack with all the essential gear. Some BOOs are equipped with a tent, sleeping bags or firestarter, a stove, pot, cookware, battery, flashlights and first aid kits.

There are many options to prepare for disasters. These are the basics. Expand your list according to your situation.

What should you include in a bugout bag?

A Bug Out Bag (BOB), a kit designed for survival in 72-hour situations without food, water, shelter or communication, is called a Bug Out Kit. This kit contains a first aid kit and a whistle, fire starter. A knife, flashlight, whistle. Matches, rope, matches. Handkerchief. Toilet paper. Hygiene items. Sunscreen, sunscreen, socks, gloves, gloves, emergency blanket. Energy bars, batteries.

Keep in mind that you won't use all of the items in your BOB. Make wise choices.

How can I make doomsday preparations on a tight budget?

It's not easy to prepare for an apocalypse. If you do have to prepare, here are three ways you can make sure you're prepared.

  1. You should ensure you have enough water and food. You don't want to be caught without any supplies when disaster strikes.
  2. Get a solar-powered radio. If there's a power outage, this device will keep you informed about what's going on around the world.
  3. Learn how grow your own food. This will allow you to know exactly what foods you should eat. Also, you won't be worried about running out.

What should every doomsday prepared have?

It's not just what you need but also how much you need. The simple answer is that you must first learn to live off land if your goal is to survive.

You will find many options to prepare yourself for an emergency. It doesn't have to be that you buy every item on the list. However, you should at least know where to start when preparing for disaster.

It is important to be prepared for everything. You must be prepared for everything if you want to survive.


  • Receiving 11.2 percent of votes in our reader survey was a propane torch. Background: This summer, we surveyed our readers about what they’d shove into a backpack if they were caught unprepared for the collapse of society. (inverse.com)
  • Approximately a hundred and seventeen million people earn, on average, the same income they did in 1980, while the typical income for the top one percent has nearly tripled. (newyorker.com)
  • A gravel bike was the clear winner, receiving more than 90 percent of the votes. Background: This summer, we surveyed our readers about what they’d shove into a backpack if they were caught unprepared for the collapse of society. (inverse.com)

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How To

How to treat a wound during a survival situation

What should you do if you are injured? Your first concern should be how to treat the wound. Learn how to stop bleeding, and how to clean up wounds. Next, you need to stop the infection from getting worse. If the wound grows too large, you should visit a doctor.

Be prepared before you are hurt. Always ensure that you have enough water, food, and water. It's helpful to have a basic medical kit. Make sure you have a knife or a rope. These items should always be with you. These items could be of assistance to you if you find yourself in trouble.

If you don’t own any of these items, you may be tempted to purchase them. You should not forget basic knowledge. For example, you should know how to use bandages and disinfectants. Also, learn how to properly use a knife. When you cut something, you should always put pressure on the wound. This way, blood won't flow out.

It is important to look around when you find yourself in a crisis situation. Perhaps you can dig a hole with a stick. You might also be able to use a rock or a stick to open a shell. This is a good option to take care of the wound immediately. Don't let it become infected.

Use warm water and soap to clean the wound. After that, you should apply antiseptic cream. A bandage should be used to cover the wound. Bandaging helps keep the wound dry and prevents it from becoming infected.

You should inspect the wound daily after applying the bandage. You should remove the bandage only when it gets dirty. You could get infections if it gets dirty.

Tell someone else if pain is felt while cleaning the wound. He/she could be of assistance. Ask him/her to clean the wound.

If you are not alone, you should remain still for at the least 10 minutes following cleaning the wound. This will allow the dirt to settle.

It is very important to not scratch the wound. The germs will be able to easily get into the body if you scratch the skin. You should avoid touching the site of the wound. Germs can spread easily from your hands.

Protect your wound by using a bandage. It is important to change the bandage frequently. You can avoid your wound becoming infected by changing the bandage often.

If you don’t have any bandages, you can still use leaves. Leaves are easy to find. A piece of cloth can be used as a bandage.

Weather is also important. If the temperature drops below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, you should dress the wound more carefully. Cold air can slow down the healing process.

You should have long sleeves and trousers if you live in colder climates. Gloves are also recommended. You should also cover your hands with gloves.

You should not walk barefoot. Blisters can develop from walking around without shoes. These blisters may quickly turn to wounds.

First aid supplies are essential for hiking and camping. You should also pack a small bag with bandages and other items.

Also, consider what type of injury you sustained. If you are in need of stitches, you should consult a hospital.

It is best to avoid touching any burns that have just occurred. You can avoid infection by doing this.

Stop hunting, fishing or trapping immediately if you get hurt. Then, you should call 911.


Acupressure Points For Sleepiness